Coaching & Leadership Events

Keep refining your skillset with GCI

GCI benefits from being a mature and established provider of professional learning in the education sector. Through our extensive networks and access to global experts in the field, we are able to bring you regular special events designed to extend and refine your knowledge and skills.

Special Event

Inspiring Educators: Facilitating Success and Wellbeing in Others

Melbourne: 13 August 2024 & Sydney: 16 August 2024

Prof. Christian van Nieuwerburgh's full-day interactive workshop will provide you with the skills and knowledge to engage, motivate and support the people around you. Drawing from research, theories and practice from the fields of coaching psychology and positive psychology, the workshop will be highly practical, focusing on immediately implementable strategies and techniques that can be used in one-to-one, team and group interactions. Through a blend of mini-seminars, engaging group discussions and opportunities to try out new strategies, participants will learn how to motivate and enhance the wellbeing of those around them.

The workshop is broadly based on the research, practice and writing of the facilitator, including The Leader’s Guide to Coaching in Schools (2017), Advanced Coaching Practice: Inspiring Change in Others (2019), An Introduction to Coaching Skills (2020), From Surviving to Thriving: A Student’s Guide to Feeling and Doing Well at University (2022) and Positive Health: 100+ Research-based Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine Tools to Enhance Your Wellbeing (2023).

This session is designed for anyone who supports others through conversations. It is suitable for educators, coaches, leaders and professionals.

Cost: $450+GST* per participant
*GST applies to customers who reside in Australia
Group discounts available for groups of 3 or more.