Following a career as an educator in an Australian state system, becoming a leader as principal and then in a role at system level, Di has worked with Growth Coaching International (GCI) since 2006 as an executive coach, facilitator and coach supervisor. Di has facilitated all GCI’s signature coaching courses including Introduction to Leadership Coaching and Coaching Accreditation Program, and has been engaged in course design and review.

As a Senior Coach Practitioner with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), Di provides executive coaching for leaders in the education sector. She is committed to enabling leaders to experience the value of being coached so they become passionate about building coaching cultures within their school or college. Her extensive knowledge and experience of coaching and educational leadership informs her consulting work with school leaders about creating coaching cultures to better support the work of leaders and teachers.

With her additional Coach Supervisor credential (EMCC), Di has shifted her focus towards supporting leaders trained in coaching to transfer their coaching learning into practice; to build confidence and competence as coaches; to maintain fidelity with coaching principles and practice and to focus on continuous development. Supporting coaches to be excellent in their work is Di’s passion and she is committed to learning from observing coaches developing their skilfulness as they move from beginners to advanced practitioners.

Di provides individual supervision enabling a coach to explore and learn from their own practice thus developing their reflective competence, a capacity integral to coaching effectiveness. She is also a specially trained facilitator of Reflective Practice a GCI process of group supervision for both in-school and open program groups.

As Lead Consultant Coach Drvelopment, Di continues to contribute to the learning and development of GCI Consultants as a supervisor, mentor and coach, facilitating the in-house Reflective Practice process required for all GCI Consultants as well as leading Coaching Induction for new GCI Consultants. She received the GCI Mandy O’Bree Award in 2021 in recognition of her contribution to people development.

Di has presented at ACEL and GCI conferences including the 2022 and 2023 GCI Conferences where she has presented on Coach as Reflective Practitioner and Coach Supervision.

Special Interest Areas

  • Coach Supervision
  • Coaching as a leadership stance
  • Leadership coaching & mentoring
  • Reflective practice of coaches
  • Coaching cultures for teacher agency

Qualifications and Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts; Graduate Diploma of Education; Graduate Diploma of Librarianship (UTAS)
  • EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner Level
  • EMCC Accredited Coach Supervisor
  • Solution Focused Business Professional Certificate, University Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Accredited GCI Coach
  • Certified Cognitive Coach (Centre for Cognitive Coaching, USA)
  • Accredited Practitioner: Human Synergistics Lifestyle Inventory; GENOS International Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Survey; DiSC® Management Profile; Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey.
  • Fellow of Australian Council for Educational Leaders (FACEL)


Gray, A., Henning, D. and McIver, Carey. (2021). Solution-Focused Coaching Supervision: What is it all about? Coaching Perspectives, The Association for Coaching Global Magazine. October 21, Issue 31, pp. 23-25.