Solutions Focus Coaching Masterclass

The Solutions Focus Coaching Masterclass refines and extends your coaching repertoire by intentionally integrating pragmatic and proven Solutions Focus methods into coaching and leadership conversations. 

The Solutions Focus methodology can change the direction of your conversations, enabling you to foster a creative and enabling mindset in yourself and others where there is positive progress towards broader organisational goals. 

This course is presented by GCI in Australia and New Zealand in partnership with the Centre for Solutions Focus at Work.

  • Extend your coaching repertoire by integrating an intentional Solutions Focus approach
  • Learn to focus more on the coachee and their language
  • Build extra flexibility and confidence to work with uncertainty
  • Understand and enhance your response to change and challenge
  • Develop your teams to become more solution focused, creative and empowered

$890 (+ GST)

This price is for an individual registering on an open-enrolment course.

Savings are available for organisations who wish to run this course for an in-house group.

Please email to request a quote or discuss this further.

About Solutions Focus Coaching Masterclass

This two-day advanced-skills course delves into Solutions Focus and the way in which it integrates with the GROWTH Framework and 'key coaching skills'.

Solutions Focus is a powerful yet subtle approach to positive change. From its origins twenty years ago, it is now being used by major corporations, top business schools and many coaches and consultants as the methodology of choice where effective, respectful and lasting change is wanted. 

The Solutions Focus approach will help you to work with change, emergence and the unexpected more confidently. The philosophy is practical and can be used in any form of interaction whether with teams, members of staff, or even in your personal conversations. You will build a greater awareness of the impact of words and language, and use them even more skilfully.

  • Learn how to integrate proven Solution Focus (SF) tools and concepts into your coaching
  • Use an emergent tool-based approach to better respond to the coachee - using the six Solution Tools and five Solution Focused Boosters
  • Learn to focus more on the coachee and their language
  • Work in a broader range of contexts, building on a 'not-knowing' approach
  • Understand the philosophical principles of Solutions Focus Coaching, based on the assumption that 'change is happening all the time'
  • Build extra flexibility and confidence to work with whatever happens
Minimum Requirements

This is an advanced coaching skills course. Participants must have attended the GCI Introduction to Leadership Coaching course or the Coaching Accreditation Program. Participants should also have experience of applying their coaching skills in their workplace roles. 


A Solutions Focused welcome

Using the solutions focus tools to set up the day

What we already know about coaching

The GROWTH framework as a coaching foundation

Working in a complex world

Implications and logics of working in linear and complex worlds

The Albert model

Problem focus vs solutions focus

Affirming what’s working

Bringing strengths to the fore

Problem to platform

Engaging and contracting

Future perfect

Engaging creativity to stretch the world of our clients

Solutions Focus conversation expanders

Building the detail to create change

A user’s guide to the future

A practical result of thinking in a complex way


An unreasonably effective tool for noticing progress


Looking for what’s already working

Devising Small actions

To quickly build progress

Coaching demonstration using all the tools and expanders

Preparing for practise

Putting it all together

Coaching practise session using all the tools

Learning Design

At GCI, we believe that we act our way into learning rather than learn our way into acting. With this principle in mind, all of our courses have a strong emphasis on practice.

When we are engaged in praxis we are reflecting in action – taking what we are learning and applying it in real-life situations. Our in-person and online courses enable praxis through a ‘coaching approach’ to facilitation combined with a range of thoughtfully designed adult learning experiences including:

  • individual and group reflection activities
  • co-operative learning tasks
  • practice opportunities using real workplace scenarios
  • modelling
  • observation and feedback
  • debrief sessions

The Solutions Focus Coaching Masterclass is available in a range of delivery patterns:

  • Two full-days consecutively (in-person only)
  • Two full-days spaced (in-person or online)
  • Blended option with one full-day in-person and remainder online

Neil Spence
Principal, Kelmscott Primary School, WA

"The Solution Focus Master Class provided an excellent opportunity to refocus and reset my approach to people management to be more coaching oriented."

Karen Robertson
Principal, St Catherine’s Primary School, Lalor West, VIC

"I believe that the program was in itself a coaching Solution Focus demonstration at its best."


$890 (+ GST)

This price is for an individual registering on an open-enrolment course.

Savings are available for organisations who wish to run this course for an in-house group.

Please email to request a quote or discuss this further.

Register for upcoming Solutions Focus Coaching Masterclass workshops
Register Your Interest

If you would like to participate in one of our workshops and none of the scheduled dates are suitable, please complete this expression of interest form and a GCI staff member will be in contact with you to discuss suitable options.

2 x 1 day online workshop

3 x 2hr sessions each day

Online - AEST

Please note there are prerequisites for this course. Please confirm you meet the minimum entry requirements before registering.

2 x 1 day online workshop

3 x 2hr sessions each day

13 Aug 2025 09:00 - 16:30
14 Aug 2025 09:00 - 16:30

Day 1: 13 August 2025

Day 2: 14 August 2025


This cohort is run in partnership with The Education Group, NZ

2 x 1 day workshops

26 Aug 2025 08:30 - 15:30
27 Aug 2025 08:30 - 15:30

Terms and Conditions