* GST applies to customers who reside in Australia.
Vibe Hotel Sydney
111 Goulburn St
Sydney NSW 2000
Some things to consider before you complete your application:
There is a significant independent study component to this course.
In particular Phase 2 requires participants to commit up to 12 hours of independent learning over a 3-month period.
Further, the cohort learning experience is an important aspect of this course.
It is essential that intending participants are able to attend Phase 1 and Phase 3 workshops with the same cohort.
Please ensure that you able to do this prior to completing your application.
In exceptional circumstances when participants have completed Phase 1 and need to change cohort groups for Phase 3, it will be necessary for them to redo Phase 1 with another cohort. A transfer fee of $400 plus GST will be applicable.
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