If coaching is the answer, what is the question?

Join thousands of educators around the world seeking improved outcomes through enhanced conversations.

Online & In-Person

Global, flexible, accessible.

Open Enrolment & On-site

You come to us, or we come to you.

Expert Coaches & Facilitators

Highly trained & experienced educators.


Our training courses are underpinned by high-quality, research-informed and up-to-date intellectual property; a commitment to interactive and engaging learning experiences; and expert facilitation by skilled professionals with experience of working in educational contexts.


We walk with you on your journey by providing a contextually tailored support service based on expert coaching and facilitation; support for strategic planning and implementation; extensive implementation experience and understanding and an independent perspective and critical friend.


We offer coaching to meet individual needs and contexts as well as a range of coach development options, including group and individual supervision, to support the transfer of coach learning into practice building both competence and confidence in coach practitioners.

Master skills with in-depth learning

Our online and blended courses employ spaced learning, engaging resources and extensive practice, ensuring in-depth learning.


Why Coaching?

GCI Coaching in Education podcast series

Listen to podcasts from worldwide educators

This series is devoted to sharing stories from the field! Educators from the full range of educational settings worldwide share their coaching journeys including their starting points, what’s worked, what’s been challenging, and how they have adapted approaches to suit their contexts. It’s where theory and good intentions meet reality. Gain insights about implementing coaching in educational settings.

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EMCC Global certification

Gain an Internationally Recognised Coaching Credential

Our Accreditation Courses lead to EMCC Global coaching certification

Questions people ask us

Growth Coaching International (GCI) began as Australian Growth Coaching in 2002, over 20 years ago. Since 2008 GCI has been focused exclusively on providing coaching-focused professional learning and consulting to educators across the world.

Since 2008 over forty thousand educators have engaged in professional learning with GCI.

‘Our people’ are all committed educators with a depth of experience in a range of educational settings.

GCI works with educators in different locations and systems across the world. Government and independent schools, early childhood and tertiary settings.

As a global leader in coaching in education, we have formal partnerships and alliances with other like-minded organisations and academic institutions around the world.

Our course evaluations, individual coach feedback and testimonials speak for themselves. Our participants and coachees frequently cite significant positive impact on their professional and personal lives.

There is a significant and growing body of empirical research evidence to support coaching in education. See the resources page for more information.

Our Coaching in Education Podcast series showcases ‘stories from the field’. We also feature case studies and implementation stories in our digital magazine GCI Insights.

Every context is different, so there is no one size fits all approach to coaching or to getting started in coaching. Others have found some of these approaches helpful, so perhaps some of these getting started approaches might resonate:

  • Experience being coached. It really helps to know what it is like to have direct experience of the positive impact that coaching can bring.
  • Investigate what others have done. Talk with other educators, listen to podcasts, attend a conference, read case studies. Often someone else’s experience will provide helpful things to consider.
  • Participate in an introductory course on coaching (individually or as an on-site group). This is a helpful way to grow your understanding of coaching and to network with others in similar situations. And, you will learn transferable skills that will be helpful whether or not you pursue coaching further.
  • Connect on Social Media. Follow coaching in education opinion leaders and practitioners and popular hashtags. This will give you a sense of what is going on in coaching, and it provides a zero cost, low risk way to begin exploring the field. Educators involved in coaching are generally very generous so don’t be shy!
  • Connect with us directly info@growthcoaching.com.au. Our consultants are always happy to have a no-obligation confidential chat with you to discuss your context and explore possible starting points. We care about the difference our work makes in education communities so you can be sure of an honest and trustworthy response.

Choose your learning pathway

GCI Courses, Coaching and Consultancy are designed to support you on your professional learning journey.